Tact-Tiles: Discounted Defects

As mentioned in my previous post, we were able to find a small number of Tact-Tiles that have some minor defects. These defects are entirely cosmetic, and should not affect their usability.

We are making them available now, at a 25% discount.

And that's it folks. After this, they're gone.

Update: As of this update, there is only a single set of 6 Tact-tiles left.

International Shipping now Available

International Shipping is now an option though our web store

As previously mentioned, international shipping is in many cases prohibitively expensive (see here). We understand that, and wish there were better solutions available. We do not have an international distributer at this time, meaning that all orders must ship from the United States.

In truth, we are only offering international shipping as an option to those willing to pay the premium.

So why not team with an international distributer? It boils down to simple economics. We have a very slim profit margin on our products (especially Tact-Tiles). So once you factor in the cost of overseas freight, and the distributer's cut, we'd be lucky to make any money at all. And it's very difficult to justify the effort required to set all that up, and maintain it, virtually for free.

This would be a far more viable option if we manufactured our products in China, but we simply aren't willing to do that. In addition to a general dislike of outsourcing labor, previous experience with Chinese (and other foreign) manufacturers has taught me that you get what you pay for.

You can't expect a quality product for cheap.

A Few Updates

Nova Praxis: Savage Worlds Edition - We're still tweaking things, but layout is underway. I'm about 70 pages in and plan to get with Sean sometime in the next few days to start applying the last few coats of polish.

Tact-Tiles - This has probably been the most infuriating project I've ever tackled, but thing continue to look up. We did some ink testing yesterday, and got the first 100 tiles in the queue for printing tomorrow or Thursday. I'm hoping to shoot the video for the Kickstarter this weekend!

Machinations - Content is mostly complete. Layout is mostly complete. Art is getting closer. Vague I know. Sorry. With everything else going on I've had trouble getting it wrapped up. But I promise it frustrates me more than it does you.

More Tact-Tiles News

We received our first 100 Tact-Tiles yesterday. These were produced to test inks, fit, flatness, etc. They had a few minor issues, but nothing that can't be fixed relatively easily. And I was able to test the marker adhesion, which proved to stick to the tiles as we'd hoped, and easily wipe away clean.

We dropped several off with our silk-screener, who will hopefully (fingers crossed!) be testing the ink today.

Our hope is to have a few sets of "finished" Tact-Tiles to endurance test over the weekend. We're going to be making sure the plastic doesn't scratch too easily and that the ink doesn't chip off or easily scratch away.

Tact-Tiles Progress! For real this time!

After one unspeakably frustrating false start after another, we've finally got a pseudo-sample tile in hand.

What you're looking at in the pics below (click to see more) is one of the original Tact-Tiles (left) mated with the first new Tact-Tile (black) to be produced in nearly a decade. This one is actually from a sample of the material they had on hand today. The real material won't be in for a few days yet, and will obviously be lighter. This was just produced to make sure the mold is okay, and to do a fit check.

It passed! It mates really well, and it's nice, flat, and rigid.

The finished version will look like the one on the left, but with gray lines instead of brown.

We're going to push hard to get these out in the same release window as D&D5e and the Savage Worlds version of Nova Praxis. Expect the Kickstarter to fire up sometime in the next few weeks!

The Big Announcements

Recently I've hinted here and there that we had a few big announcements to make. Well, no more hinting...



Nova Praxis Logo.jpg

We're proud to announce that Nova Praxis is going to be released as an officially licensed Savage Worlds campaign setting. And is that the conversion is being done in conjunction with none other than veteran Savage Worlds developer and publisher, Sean Patrick Fannon, author of Shaintar.

We're really excited about this, and more details will follow soon!

Secondly, we'd also like to announce an even bigger release.

Savage Worlds has long been considered one of the best miniatures games out there. So why not play on the best gaming surface there is? 



Void Star Studios, Inc. has acquired the rights, processes, vendors and original mold for Tact-Tiles! And the original creators of the Tact-Tiles are working with us as advisors.

These aren't some cheap knock-offs. These are the real deal, tweaked to improve the manufacturing process to insure we can bring them to you at an affordable price.

Our intent is to make this new run of Tact-Tiles 100% compatible with the original Tact-Tiles from BC Products, and to insure these are of even better quality. 

Tact-Tiles are highly portable, rigid, thick plastic, dry-erase, gaming tiles. No more erasing the mat and starting over when the PCs run off the edge! And no more fussing with a rolled up mat!

So there you have it.

"Savage Praxis" has been under development for a little while now. I've got a meeting set with Sean this weekend to talk a bit more about conversion strategy and timelines.

On the Tact-Tiles front; we're expecting material and ink samples for the Tact-Tiles within the next few weeks. We're still working through a few kinks, and we'll keep you posted as we progress.

Look for the Kickstarter for both the Savage Worlds edition of Nova Praxis, and Tact-Tiles, very soon!